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Suzuki School Plays Earthday ATX 2016!

Earthday save the world poster | Songbird Rising

// Songbird Rising students save the world with music at Austin Earthday! 18 young violin players help to make Earthday awesome with a Suzuki Book 1 play down.

We had a great time at Earthday, we had been excited all week since getting booked to play! Its the first time we have played a festival, the first time for the school and the students. After a short warm up the stars took the stage to wow the audience, not only with their violin performance and playing the whole of book 1 from memory but also by saving the world! Each time a piece was played we became a step closer and a happy earth was added to the poster (see above!).

As a special addition to book 1 the students played 'Arkansas Traveler', the crowd clapped along and Nolan, (aged 6) lead them in shouting a big 'HEY!' at the end. A really sweet moment!

Thank you Mrs Laura and students for a great day!

Songbird Rising take the stage at Earthday ATX 2016

Earthday ATX 2016 | Book 1 play down by Songbird Rising Suzuki School

Earthday 2016 student stars  | Songbird Rising

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