// Behind the scenes, Renee (age 10) practiced for hours and hours, perfecting her performance ready to open up the first of many concerts hosted by Katy Rose Cox of Fiddlestick Bow Shop and SHOTGunN parTY.
Renee worked on every aspect of her performance, posture, technique, rhythm, intonation, musicality, how to communicate her musical ideas through her movement. She was ready!
We arrived at the beautiful grounds of Tillery Place, Renee described it as a place pixies and elves might live. The grounds we’re perfect for an outdoor concert. Renee and I went off to warm up and go through the performance away from the crowd, it sounded great, Renee was calm and confident.

Performance time came, Renee gracefully walked up to the stage and introduced herself, Songbird Rising Suzuki School AND her piece… ‘I am going to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with a twist!’. The crowd we’re engaged and responded with a theatrical ‘ooooOOOooo’!
Renee put the bow to the String and closed her eyes, she delivered a flawless legato Twinkle Theme, moving with the music and enjoying her beautiful tone.

At the end of Twinkle Theme Renee looked at the crowd with twinkling eyes, as if to say ‘something cool is about to happen…’ She lifted her scroll high on the last note and her heels left they ground as she held the anticipation of the audience for a second before launching into a perfect rendition of the first String Crossing Twinkle variation. When I say perfect I mean PERFECT, Spectacular! I could see the band grinning from ear to ear watching her perform, she was in control and rocking it.
The end of first variation came and she launched, yet again, into the trickiest String Crossing variation, ‘Shuffle’! And, oh my, she killed it! My eyes started to tear knowing that she had delivered a star quality performance, what an achievement. She bowed elegently and left the stage to meet her extreemely proud parents.
Later in the show Renee got up on stage and played SHOTGunn parTY’s version of Go Tell Aunt Rhody. It was FANTASTIC.
Way to go Renee, we are all so so proud of you at Songbird Rising Suzuki School!

// Renee Jumps in for 'Go Tell Aunt Rhody'

// Renee.. Calm & Confident

// Renee and Katy pose together after an awesome first Fiddlestick concert!